Ambition is the other name of Dream, Every achievement is preceded by a dream and all outstanding Performances/Achievements are preceded by big dreams. So, dream, dream and Summit Law dream, go on dreaming. Dream big since big dreams realize to big results.

2. Physical impact accelerates the Achievements but Dream is intangible hence it requires to be translated and to be put in black and white so that a Tangible effect is placed before the eyes and the achievement made easy.

3. First Deserve and then Desire. Each one of us has a Summit Law LLP Spark in him. It is through our intellect, ingenuity and imagination; we should try to bring out the spark in us make us the fittest one to deserve the best one.

4. Success also requires a blueprint before it is achieved. Put first things first. You must know where to Start and where to stop. Begin with the end in mind. Allot time for planning. Planning is the essence of life. Remember—failed to plan means planned to fail.

5. One must know himself first, his strengths and weaknesses. Remember not to settle for less when you have the Potentiality. Build on strengths. Make your decisions more effective.

6. God helps them who help themselves. Do your Best and leave the rest to God, whatever happens will be for the best. Always compare your contribution, not the success with that of others.

7. How your time is spent? Know it first, this is most important. Secret lies in the saying–Early Bird catches the Worms. Time management is the most effective tool to excel in life.

8. Opportunities seldom repeat itself. The secret of success in life for a man is to be in readiness to grab the opportunity when it comes.

9. Do not show your weakness to your enemies, nor even seek relief by communicating your difficulties to your friends if they are not aware of them already.